Don't be Just Regular Sommelier! Be Awesommelier with Elizabeth Internasional
Ever wonder what a sommelier does? It might sounds strange to some of us, yet actually it’s a pretty prestigious job!
It is not just about pouring a glass of wine to a customer but also recommending what is the best wine and pairing the wine with the food. Being a sommelier is more than that.
Primarily, a sommelier understands wine and keeps the wine full when served in a glass at all times for the guests. A sommelier is expected to know the answer to all questions about wine and how its made, knowing the noble variety of grape wine variety, select the best wine for each guest that suits its taste, and the perfect wine for any occasion.
See? It is so much more than differentiating any Grape variety around the world. Are you passionate about wine? Or do you want to know more about wine? Elizabeth International offers you an extracurricular activity to get to know more about wine. Xtravity includes classes for students who are interested about wine or wanting to become a sommelier. Students will be taught by our qualified instructors to gain knowledge about the winery world. Find out more by joining Elizabeth International Xtravity!
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